Warren Keller and Ron Brecher with IP4AP are teaming up again to present a two-day PixInsight workshop in the Chicago area on August 3-4, 2019. The workshop will be held at the Cernan Space Center, 2000 North Fifth Avenue, River Grove, Illinois.
If you’re new to image processing, PixInsight is a very powerful and much less expensive alternative to Photoshop. It is an image processing platform specialized in astrophotography, available natively for FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating systems.
PixInsight is both an image processing environment and a development framework. It is the result of a dynamic collaboration between like-minded astrophotographers and software developers, who are constantly pushing the boundaries of astronomical image processing.
New modules are being added all the time, eliminating the need for astro-specific, 3rd-party plugins as with Photoshop. Because it was specifically designed for astrophotography, it has definite advantages over Photoshop and its postprocessing abilities now equal or surpass Photoshop in many areas.
PixInsight was created by Pleiades Astrophoto, a software development company based in Spain. The company works to provide cutting edge image processing and analysis tools for a broad range of technical imaging applications.
Below are some of the objectives of the two-day IP4AP PixInsight workshop:
– Provide a comfort level in the PixInsight working environment.
– Demonstrate a simple workflow to produce images from raw data.
– Reveal intermediate techniques for further improving images.
– Build skills by processing data with individual coaching from the instructors.
While the course is aimed at those nearer the beginning of their PixInsight journey, astrophotographers of all skill levels will pick up new tips and tricks for successful deep-sky astro-image processing.
Registration is $499 after that date. Go to the IP4AP website for a detailed agenda, accommodation information, and to register for the workshop.