Tag: Orion Telescopes & Binoculars

Orion Widefield Eyepieces

Orion Widefield Eyepieces

Orion Widefield Eyepieces: If you’re ready to swap out your standard Plossl eyepieces for oculars that will take your observing game to the next level, you should check out the Orion Telescopes & Binoculars EF Widefield 1.25″ Eyepieces. The “EF” stands for Extra Flat, which means that Orion’s EF Widefield […]

Orion CT80 Compact Refractor

Orion CT80 Compact Refractor

Orion CT80 Compact Refractor: The Achilles’ heel of rich-field achromatic refractors is chromatic aberration, but when you goal is scooping up ultra-wide, low-magnification views of the Milky Way, who cares about chroma. Witness Orion’s versatile new f/5 CT80 80-mm Compact Refractor ($109.00US) which is designed to excel at wide-field observations […]

Orion RedBeam LED Headlamp

Orion RedBeam LED Headlamp

Orion RedBeam LED Headlamp with“Motion Sensing,” means, no more fumbling in the dark for a tiny switch. You wear a headlamp to keep both hands free, but how free is your dominant hand when its priority is turning your headlamp on when needed and off when not. In addition to […]

Orion Pentaprism Diagonal

Orion Pentaprism Diagonal

The Orion Pentaprism 90-Degree Diagonal ($199.99US) is a non-inverting, non-reversing 1.25-inch diagonal. Unlike typical star diagonals, the Orion Pentaprism Diagonal does not produce a mirror-reversed image, which can make navigation and referring to star maps difficult while observing with your telescope. But unlike common correct-image diagonals, there is no image […]