Author: Stuart Parkerson

Orion Widefield Eyepieces

Orion Widefield Eyepieces

Orion Widefield Eyepieces: If you’re ready to swap out your standard Plossl eyepieces for oculars that will take your observing game to the next level, you should check out the Orion Telescopes & Binoculars EF Widefield 1.25″ Eyepieces. The “EF” stands for Extra Flat, which means that Orion’s EF Widefield […]

Orion CT80 Compact Refractor

Orion CT80 Compact Refractor

Orion CT80 Compact Refractor: The Achilles’ heel of rich-field achromatic refractors is chromatic aberration, but when you goal is scooping up ultra-wide, low-magnification views of the Milky Way, who cares about chroma. Witness Orion’s versatile new f/5 CT80 80-mm Compact Refractor ($109.00US) which is designed to excel at wide-field observations […]

Sky Guide App Adds Gaia Data

Sky Guide App Adds Gaia Data

Fifth Star Labs’ Sky Guide app enjoys a near perfect score of 4.9 from the almost 70,000 users who have taken the time to rate it … which is, well, astonishing. There is ample reason for its popularity, though, given the WOW! factor of its thousands of breathtaking celestial images, […]

Orion Pro Lanthanum Zoom Eyepiece

Orion Pro Lanthanum Zoom Eyepiece

With greatly improved optics over its predecessor, the Orion Pro Lanthanum Zoom eyepiece ($199.99US) now features high-end lanthanum glass lens elements, which greatly minimize chromatic aberration. The result is clean, crisp images free of color fringing. Ideal for both astronomical and terrestrial visual applications, this new zoom eyepiece can go […]

Image 2 – Cosmic Watch celestial-calendar function in sky-view mode.

Cosmic Watch App

The Cosmic Watch app for iOS and Android marries the functions of a world clock and an astronomical clock into a beautifully-rendered, uniquely-instructive interface. Celestial Dynamics, the apps developer, refined the functionality of the app in Version 2.0 and has produced a short video that highlights the recent improvements. The […]

Orion RedBeam LED Headlamp

Orion RedBeam LED Headlamp

Orion RedBeam LED Headlamp with“Motion Sensing,” means, no more fumbling in the dark for a tiny switch. You wear a headlamp to keep both hands free, but how free is your dominant hand when its priority is turning your headlamp on when needed and off when not. In addition to […]

Orion Pentaprism Diagonal

Orion Pentaprism Diagonal

The Orion Pentaprism 90-Degree Diagonal ($199.99US) is a non-inverting, non-reversing 1.25-inch diagonal. Unlike typical star diagonals, the Orion Pentaprism Diagonal does not produce a mirror-reversed image, which can make navigation and referring to star maps difficult while observing with your telescope. But unlike common correct-image diagonals, there is no image […]

Orion Linear BinoViewer

Orion Linear BinoViewer

The Orion Linear BinoViewer ($499.99US) is so named because it employs a sliding linear housing for adjusting the interpupillary distance (IPD) instead of the traditional folding body. That matters, because the folding types are more prone to collimation problems, whereby the two barrels of the binoviewer become misaligned, causing double […]