Tag: CaK Solar Telescope

Image 1: The Hinode kit as shipped from Astro Hutech, minus the mounting base, of which there are three options.

Astro Hutech Hinode for Solar Imaging

The Astro Hutech Solar Tracker, Hinode (”sunrize” in Japanese) SG, is an autoguider designed for casual solar viewing as well as photography. The Hinode Solar Guider with a dovetail bar and paddle does not require precise polar alignment, allowing for quick, convenient setup-and-go for public outreach or quick viewing with […]

Image 3: Sunspot complex through the Calcium K module on the Explore Scientific ED80CF. Taken with the QHY5L-II and a TeleVue 2.5X PowerMate.

Lunt Calcium K Filter

The Lunt Calcium K filter is a specialized solar filter designed to observe and image the Sun’s chromosphere, specifically the spectral line known as the “Calcium K” line. This filter is used in solar astronomy to reveal detailed features and activity occurring in the Sun’s chromosphere, which is the layer […]