Author: Stuart Parkerson

Star Parties for August 2021

Star Parties for August 2021

Its nice to report that the in-person star party circuit is opening up in North America. Here are some highlights of star parties for August 2021. Nebraska Star Party Location: Valentine, Nebraska Website: Dates: August 1 – 6, 2021 The Nebraska Star Party offers awesome astronomical views from Merritt […]

Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50DX

Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50DX

The Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50DX will be the subject this week on the Sky-Watcher What’s Up? Webcast. In the webcast the Sky-Watcher team will check out the smallest apo in the Sky-Watcher line up, the Evoguide 50DX, taking close up look at its features and capabilities. The Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50DX is […]

Telescope Lens Cleaning Kit

Telescope Lens Cleaning Kit

With the Celestron Telescope Lens Cleaning Kit you can wipe away dust, dirt, fingerprints and other particles on your lenses to make sure your view is clean and clear.  This cleaning kit works on all glass and optical surfaces, including telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, monoculars, microscopes, and even  camera lenses, […]

Stellarium Planetarium Update

Stellarium Planetarium Update

A new Stellarium planetarium software update is now available. Stellarium is an open-source application which renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real time displaying stars, constellations, planets, nebulae and more. Stellarium is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and is available for Linux, Windows, and […]

GlobeViewer Moon App

GlobeViewer Moon App

The new GlobeViewer Moon app is an interactive and three-dimensional representation of the entire lunar surface. The apps developer converted the available LRO height data to a planetary 3D model which everyone can explore with a smartphone or tablet. There are four map modes available (elevation display, photo illustration, a […]

Stellarvue SVX102D

Stellarvue SVX102D

The Stellarvue SVX102D is the first doublet the company has offered in many years and will be hitting the market towards the end of 2021. This new doublet meets all of the quality and production standards of the flagship Stellarvue SVX triplet series, and as with any SVX-branded telescopes, they […]