Celestron Fastar compatible telescopes provide incredible imaging speeds. The Revolution Imager camera system allows you to view through your telescope on screen and in real time providing the ability to view details that would be impossible to see with an eyepiece alone. With new “FunStar” adapter for Celestron Fastar compatible […]
Author: Stuart Parkerson
The Annual 2020 Winter Star Party will Descend on the Florida Keys on February 17- 23
The 2019 Winter Star Party “WSP” will again be held in the Florida Keys at Camp Weesumkee in 2019 from February 17 –23. The event is hosted by the Southern Cross Astronomical Society of Miami and is unique in that it occurs mid-winter during the height of the Florida Keys […]
Astro Imager Jerry Gardner To Host Astro Imaging Workshop in March 2020 at the Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus
Astro Imager Jerry Gardner will be holding an astro imaging workshop focused to attract an audience from beginner to intermediate. This intensive workshop will be limited to 15 seats and is tailored for the person “who knows a little but can’t quite seem to get there.” The training will be held March […]
DreamStar Telescopes from Precision Applied Products
DreamStar Telescopes builds on 35 years of Precision Applied Products manufacturing small to large color free refractor objectives. The company has recently announced its new line of DreamStar Apochromatic Refractor Telescopes. The telescopes are offered at an F/7 focal ratio in 140mm, 120mm, and 100mm configurations. Precision Applied Products’ apochromatic […]
Sky-Watcher EQ8-R and Rh Pro Telescope Mounts
Sky-Watcher EQ8-R and Rh Pro high capacity equatorial mounts offer an affordable observatory class mount for the day-to-day astrophotographer. With their 110-pound payload capacity and high-end imaging features, these mounts are ready to hold some of the largest systems out there. Because the mounts are observatory class, Sky-Watcher is offering […]
Astronomers Without Borders Online Store
Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) offers worldwide astronomy programs and with the help of industry partners, the organization’s online store has plenty of low-priced goodies. You’ll find beginners telescopes from a variety of manufacturers — including the award-winning Astronomers Without Borders OneSky collapsible 5-inch table-top Dobsonian. Also available are eyepieces and […]
Cartes du Ciel Version 4.2 Planetarium Software
Cartes du Ciel is a free open source planetarium software to use on Windows, macOS or Linux platform. It provides the ability to draw sky charts, making use of the data in many catalogs of stars and nebulae. The position of planets, asteroids and comets are also shown. The main […]
Astro-Landscapes Calendar for 2020
Matthew Saville hosts the Astro-Landscapes website which offers nightscape, landscape, timelapse, and adventure travel photography content and tutorials. He has compiled the 2020 Astro-Landscapes Photo Calendar which offers images he has compiled to create a “panoramic landscape adventure photography calendar.” The 2020 calendar is 7×12″ in size. A limited run […]
Best DSLR Camera for Landscape Photography
What is the all-around best DSLR for landscape photography and astroimaging? Ask anyone with a DSLR camera who does both and you’ll get a different answer. However, we recently ran across one opinion that we felt was very persuasive. In his article, “Five Reasons Why Nikon Is Still The Champion […]
ISS Detector App Tracks the International Space Station
The ISS Detector App offers the ability to track the International Space Station (ISS) and a wide variety of satellites. YOu may not know but the International Space Station is visible with the naked eye. Of course you can’t just look up in the night sky and there it is. […]
McDonald Observatory Celebrates 80th Anniversary
The University of Texas at Austin’s McDonald Observatory is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year. As part of the celebration a new exhibit highlighting the observatory’s history will opened this summer at its Frank N. Bash Visitors Center. The McDonald Observatory is well known as being one of the most […]
Remembering Accomplished Amateur Astronomer Barbara Wilson
In a recent post on the Sky and Telescope website, Dave Tosteson provides a tribute to Barbara Wilson, who passed away on the evening of September 24, 2019, after battling cancer for several months. As Tosteson writes, “Barbara was very well known in the amateur astronomy community as a dedicated […]