Author: Stuart Parkerson

Glacier National Park Observatory

Glacier National Park Observatory

The Glacier National Park Observatory houses a PlaneWave 20-inch CDK Telescope offering a 20-inch (0.51 m) f/6.8 Corrected Dall-Kirkham Astrograph telescope. It’s among the largest telescopes in the National Park Service devoted to free public education and interpretation programs. The telescope also is the biggest in the State of Montana […]

Axis Squared Telescope Repair Service

Axis Squared Telescope Repair Service

Axis Squared offers telescope repair services for the astronomical community including rebuilding, repairing, and upgrading telescope mounts, OTAs and more. The company was founded by Mike Bradshaw who, in addition to a passion for amateur astronomy, is a professional astronomer with degrees in astronomy and research. He brings to the […]

Tele Vue TNV/PVS-14 Night Vision System

Tele Vue TNV/PVS-14 Night Vision System

The Tele Vue TNV/PVS-14 Night Vision System offers L3 Gen3 Un-Filmed White Phosphor night vision monoculars packaged with complimentary Tele Vue accessories for astronomical observing. Night-vision devices (NVD) like the TNV/PVS-14 are optoelectronic devices that allow images to be viewed in levels of light approaching total darkness and are well known […]