The Sky-Watcher USA EQM-35 go-to mount provides a convenient, stable go-to platform for refractors up to 100 mm or up to 127-mm Maksutovs. Designed as an imaging system, it also works well for visual use. This mount is perfect for the beginner as well as the more advanced astronomer. The […]
Author: Stuart Parkerson
Meade Deep Sky Imager IV
The Meade Deep Sky Imager IV which is most advanced camera ever offered in the series. Equipped with a 16-megapixel Panasonic CMOS image sensor, regulated two-stage thermoelectric cooler, and 3.8-µm pixels, the new DSI IV is the ideal camera for all your astrophotography pursuits. The low-noise, high-resolution and fast USB […]
Celestron NexYZ Smartphone Adapter
What makes the Celestron NexYZ Smartphone Adapter different from other smartphone adapters? Its three-axis adjustment. Most adapters only allow adjustment of your phone in two axes, X and Y, to center its camera over the optical axis of the eyepiece That works, but what about the all-important Z axis: spacing of […]
IP4AP Announces Three-Day Workshop for PixInsight Image Processing Software for Astrophotography
Warren Keller and Ron Brecher with IP4AP are teaming up again to present a three-day PixInsight workshop in Mesa, Arizona, September 21-23, 2018 and in Lake Forest, California September 28-30, 2018. If you’re new to image processing, PixInsight is a very powerful and much less expensive alternative to Photoshop. It is […]
iOptron Tri-Pier 360
Recognizing that many observers and imagers alike are choosing to take larger and more capable instruments to “darker skies,” iOptron designers created the iOptron Tri-Pier 360 to serve as a portable support for their equipment. A rugged, dependable, portable pier, the Tri-Pier 360, so named because it is engineered to […]
Explore Scientific Wins Arkansas BBB’s Torch Award for Ethics
Explore Scientific, an international concern based in Springdale, Arkansas, has received the Better Business Bureau of Arkansas’ 2018 Torch Award for Ethics. The national award-winning “educate and recognize” Torch Award program is the premier public recognition of organizations that intentionally pursue the Six Principles of TRUST, upon which the BBB […]
Astro-Physics Dovetail Plate
Astro-Physics Dovetail Plate includes the 15-inch Vixen-style Dovetail Plate The V-style Dovetail has taken a major step forward: Astro-Physics is now offering a 15-inch Vixen-style Dovetail Plate (SBV15 – $58US). This is no run-of-the-mill V-style plate; this Astro-Physics Dovetail Plate is a robust, wide plate that allows attaching our scope […]
Astronomik XT Clip Filters for DSLR Cameras
The Astronomik XT Clip Filters are specifically designed to deliver widefield images with crisp and sharp stars right to the edge of the field. Astronomik’s popular original Clip Filters are well known tools among astrophotographers worldwide, but unfortunately, their effectiveness does not fully extend to the very short focal lengths […]
AstroHutech Announces the Blistering Fast BORG 107FL f/3.9ED Telescope
AstroHutech recently tested the BORG 107FL, optimized for imaging at a blisteringly-fast f/3.9 thanks to a BORG-proprietary six-element advanced Petzval optical design. AstroHutech owner Ted Ishikawa tells us, “As far as I know, this may be first optical design utilizing both fluorite and ED elements in same optical train.” The […]
I Found More Used Telescope Stuff for Sale in One Place Than Can Be Humanly Possible
Ah used telescope stuff! I have always enjoyed finding a deal – boats, cars, jewelry (for my significant other of course), and yes, telescopes – well you name it, I am into getting a deal. *** Editors Note: Since the publication of this article, Astro Parts Outlet Used Telescope has […]
DSLR Astro Photography with Astronomik Clip-Filter System
DSLR Astro Photography with Astronomik Clip-Filter System I decided that I would dive into astrophotography long before I’d purchased my first telescope. In fact, my first foray into this dark art involved a DSLR, a 50-mm lens and a secondhand Orion EQ-1 mount with a motor drive. It was a […]
Repair Your Telescope Equipment
Repair Your Telescope Equipment: I used J-B Weld for years to repair minor cracks and breaks in metal components when I couldn’t justify the cost of a proper brazing-machining repair. It’s great stuff, but it sets quickly – within four minutes – and requires mixing the epoxy filler with […]