Knightware SQM Reader software is the only commercially available software that reads sky darkness data from Unihedron’s connected Sky Quality Meters automatically and continuously, displays and graphs data, stores data in files and transfers it to an FTP server and post processing scripts, batch files and programs. Knightware supports Sky […]
Author: Stuart Parkerson
Deep Sky West to Launch Second Observatory at its Remote Astroimaging Hosting Complex
Deep Sky West (DSW) is a remote observatory hosting complex located on Rowe Mesa in Rowe, New Mexico. The facility offers the opportunity for anyone in the world to locate and operate astrophotography equipment. Deep Sky West’s target audience is the average backyard astrophotographer who has a love for the […]
StellarMate Astrophotography Controller
The StellarMate Astrophotography Controller offers a unique Internet of Things (IoT) device that provides the flexibility to control a lone mount in the field or to coordinate the orchestration of a state of the art observatory. You can connect your equipment (mount, DSLR/CCD, focuser, filter wheel, etc.) to StellarMate via […]
SkyFi 3 Wireless Telescope Control
Simulation Curriculum’s SkyFi 3 offer big performance in a small package. The SkyFi 3 WiFi-to-Serial adapter is designed for wireless telescope control, so if you have a computer-controlled Go-To telescope, SkyFi can use the WiFi capabilities built into your Mac, PC, Android Phone, iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to point […]
Vintage SBIG ST Astronomy Camera Review
Vintage SBIG ST Astronomy Camera Review: Over the years, I have been amazed when reading magazine advertisements for astronomical cameras. The year-to-year advances in the quantity, quality, sophistication and automation of available options have been astounding. But, so have increases in overall prices. Yes, there are affordable cameras capable […]
TTS-160 Panther Mount Review
TTS-160 Panther Mount Review: Sometimes you just want to do visual and have it as easy as possible. Maybe you’ve had a hard day at the office, or your back’s aching from when you bent over to pick up the dog, or perhaps you just want to see the texture […]
Oberwerk 6.5×32 LW Binoculars
1: Oberwerk 6.5×32 LW Binoculars – Accommodating Wide-Ranging IPDs Image 1 is a photo of six-year-old Spencer Hobbe, and Spencer is the primary reason I now carry Oberwerk’s 6.5×32-mm LW binoculars. The little 6.5x32s deliver the widest interpupillary distances of Oberwerk’s extensive product lines – 51 to 74 mm. It […]
Skynet University from the Skynet Robotic Telescope Network
The Skynet Robotic Telescope Network offers the Skynet University introductory-level undergraduate observing course Astronomy with Skynet: Our Place In Space! available to anyone who wants to try their hand at using its global network of robotic telescopes, through its Skynet University program. The Skynet Robotic Telescope Network recently opened its […]
iOptron CEM 120 Offers Payload Up to 115 Pounds
Recognizing the growing demand for an accurate and stable equatorial mount with the versatility to carry larger instruments and more complex imaging arrays, iOptron has extended its revolutionary center-balance design to the greater-than-100-pound-payload class with the iOptron CEM 120. iOptron’s unique “center balance” design yields stability, accuracy and smooth mechanical […]
Atik Horizon CMOS Camera
The Atik Horizon was Atik Camera’s first foray into offering cameras with CMOS sensors. The Atik Horizon offers the same high quality craftmanship offered throughout the Atik product line and combines exceptionally low read noise with high read speeds and a high megapixel count, all at an affordable price. According […]
APM MS ED Binoculars
APM MS ED Binoculars: Yes, it’s hot during the day during the Summer, but that makes it one of the best times to get out, enjoy the cooler evenings and see what the nighttime skies have to offer. And sometimes you want to grab and go without lugging around a […]
Baader UFC – Universal Filter Changer Review
Baader UFC – Universal Filter Changer Review: What do you get if you cross an Erector Set with some giant metal washers, a plethora of variously-sized openings, a filter tray that slots in like a clip in a Glock, and, well, all sorts of other stuff? The Baader Universal Filter […]