Author: Stuart Parkerson

New Astro Image Processing Service

New Astro Image Processing Service

Astroimager Kfir Simon has started a new astro image processing service – Image Processing Services (IPS) – to help fellow astroimagers get the most out of their images. The astro image processingofferings include working directly with clients to process specific images, offering one-on-one tutorials on astroimaging techniques/software and series of […]

Dew Controllers

New Buckeyestargazer Shop Offers Simple and Practical Items for Amateur Astronomers

The Buckeyestargazer Shop offers the amateur astronomy community a new resource for “simple and practical” items. Joel Short, an astroimaging enthusiast located in Northern Indiana, has decided to open a small shop – the Buckeyestargazer Shop –  to make available items he has developed to offer affordable and uncomplicated accessories. […]

Astro-Physics Offers SLR Camera Adapters

Astro-Physics Offers SLR Camera Adapters

While Astro-Physics is well known for its incredibly built mounts and telescopes, the company also offers a number of accessories built with the same dedication to quality. This includes SLR Camera Adapters. Astro-Physics now offers several different camera adapters for use with a number of camera manufacturers in combination with […]

Meade LX200 Hand Controller Replacement

Meade LX200 Hand Controller Replacement

Clearline Technology uses modern materials, components, and processes to create replacement parts for the venerable Meade Instruments LX-200 telescope such as its new Meade LX200 Hand Controller. Among its current lineup are the Motor Encoder Board – LX200 Classic/LXD650/LXD750; Calibration Tool for LX200 Motor Encoder Board; and a Boot-Up Emulator […]

SkyTools 4 is Now Available in a Visual Observing Edition for Amateur Telescope Users

SkyTools 4 is Now Available in a Visual Observing Edition for Amateur Telescope Users

SkyTools 4 is now two products, SkyTools Imaging, which comes in a single edition, and the newly introduced SkyTools Visual, which is a comprehensive software platform dedicated to every aspect of visual observing including planning, finder charts, controlling a telescope and logging observations. SkyTools Visual comes in three editions: Standard, […]

Rockland Astronomy Club NEAF Expo

Rockland Astronomy Club NEAF Expo

The Rockland Astronomy Club (RAC) has announced they are rescheduling the NEAF event and the NEAIC imaging conference date to September 14-15, 2020. Instead they will be hosting “NEAF: The Virtual Experience” on April 4. Here is the NEAF organizational team’s announcement: Due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, Rockland Community […]