Author: Stuart Parkerson

The Starships Project Offers Opportunity for Organizations to Create a Observatories for Educational, Outreach and Scientific Efforts

The Starships Project Offers Opportunity for Organizations to Create a Observatories for Educational, Outreach and Scientific Efforts

The Starships Project is an outgrowth of the positive global response to the introduction of the POD MAX observatory. SkyShed’s Wayne Parker knew he was meeting a much-needed niche in the astronomy market – a true crossover product for both amateur and professional needs. He also began to notice that […]

QHY Polemaster Review

QHY Polemaster Review

“When considering the QHY Polemaster I read comments about folks wishing they had purchased the PM long before they did due to its simplicity and effectiveness. I can share that sentiment.” In the absence of an observatory, typical viewing sessions require that I set up/tear down my scope du jour […]

Antlia Astronomy Filters

Antlia Astronomy Filters

Antlia Astronomy Filters from AstroUnga is a new Australian based astronomy retailer specializing in astroimaging products. The small shop is run by two former research scientists with backgrounds in electrical engineering and biotechnology who are passionate about astronomy and astrophotography. AstroUnga has recently announced they are the first astronomy retailer […]

Telescope Help Hotline

Telescope Help Hotline

Why a telescope help hotline? Well, if you are new to amateur astronomy and you have bought a new telescope, you’ve probably found a plethora of advice online on how to use that telescope. And perhaps you are a bit overwhelmed? The team at Optical Structures, the parent company of […]