Warren Keller and Ron Brecher with IP4AP are teaming up again to present a two-day PixInsight workshop in the Chicago area on August 3-4, 2019. The workshop will be held at the Cernan Space Center, 2000 North Fifth Avenue, River Grove, Illinois. If you’re new to image processing, PixInsight is […]
Author: Stuart Parkerson
Dr. Neil English Chronicling the Golden Age of Astronomy Offers a Complete History of Visual Observing
The invention of the telescope at the dawn of the 17th century has revolutionized humanity’s understanding of the universe and our place within it. Chronicling the Golden Age of Astronomy: A History of Visual Observing from Harriot to Moore by Dr. Neil English traces the development of the telescope over […]
Astronomics Celebrates 40TH Anniversary with Astro-Tech 102ED Giveaway
Astronomics is celebrating 40 year offering telescopes and related equipment. To celebrate, they are giving away three Astro-Tech 102ED refractors valued at $599 each. According to Mike Bieler of Astronomics, “It has been a fantastic journey for my family over the past 40 years. I remember loading up in the […]
Ostahowski Optics 24″ Primary Telescope Mirror
Ostahowski Optics has announced they are currently in the process of planning their 24-inch primary telescope mirror production for next year. They are taking pre-orders for the mirrors and will be ordering the fused quartz substrate soon in order to have blanks ready to process by the first of next […]
University of Virginia Offers Telescope Loaner Program for Virginia Public Schools
When Steve Layman was in high school, his passions were astronomy and music. He didn’t have a lot of money, so he had a choice: buy a good telescope or buy an amplifier for his guitar. “I went with the amplifier,” he said. “I was in a rock band.” The […]
Famed Radio Telescope Becomes a World Heritage Site
We don’t typically cover academic or mainstream astronomy news, however we thought this was cool and wanted to share it with our readers. The Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, England has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. What makes this really interesting is the observatory is one of […]
Rockland Astronomy Club to Host Annual Summer Star Party July 26 – August 4, 2019
The Rockland Astronomy Club is well known for its schedule of astronomy related events including NEAF (Northeast Astronomy Forum) as well as its upcoming Summer Star Party (SSP), which will be held on July 26 – August 4, 2019. SSP is sponsored by Sky & Telescope magazine. The annual event […]
Meteorite Micromounts Offer a Chance to Own Small Bits of a Really Big Solar System
While we look into the skies, viewing the heavens through the optical wonders telescopes have evolved into today, we often forget that these cosmic phenomena sometimes drop right into our laps, at least from a galactic perspective. As meteorites pepper the earth on a daily basis, we continue to experience […]
Mersenne Telescope Not a Dobsonian
It is not often we see something that throws us off a little bit, ok a lot of bit in this instance! We were visiting the Tele Vue blog when we came across a post about Clyde M. Bone, Jr. and his custom built Mersenne reflecting telescopes. What is a […]
Adirondack Sky Center to Host Solar Observing and Star Party Celebration on July 21
On Sunday, July 21, the Adirondack Sky Center & Observatory located in Tupper Lake, New York will host a new event with some of the darkest and clearest skies east of the Mississippi River. The event will offer a day long calendar of activities surrounded by solar and celestial nighttime observing […]
Wood Wonders Creates Unique Telescope Eyepiece Cases
Telescope eyepiece cases and more. What makes a person create some of the most unique astronomy products in the industry? Ron Burrows of Wood Wonders explains below his passion for creating his unique telescope eyepiece cases. I have always heard “Look to Your Passion in Life” and working with wood […]
How to Print Astroimages
“How to Print Astroimages? If you want prints that get a “Wow, is that real? Did you do that?” reaction, then read on.” You’ve spent hours acquiring and processing the perfect image. It looks great on your big new computer monitor, but you have to pan around to see the […]