
Image 1: The Hinode kit as shipped from Astro Hutech, minus the mounting base, of which there are three options.

Astro Hutech Hinode for Solar Imaging

The Astro Hutech Solar Tracker, Hinode (”sunrize” in Japanese) SG, is an autoguider designed for casual solar viewing as well as photography. The Hinode Solar Guider with a dovetail bar and paddle does not require precise polar alignment, allowing for quick, convenient setup-and-go for public outreach or quick viewing with […]

Lunt SUNoculers

Lunt SUNoculers

By Gary Parkerson, Astronomy Technology Today Editor Emeritus. I demonstrate astro tech wherever people are gathered outdoors and when it comes to leveraging solar astronomy for outreach, no astro tech delivers enhanced hands-on solar-viewing experiences more naturally than Lunt Solar System’s SUNoculers. I’ve handed them to kids as young as […]

Image 3: Sunspot complex through the Calcium K module on the Explore Scientific ED80CF. Taken with the QHY5L-II and a TeleVue 2.5X PowerMate.

Lunt Calcium K Filter

The Lunt Calcium K filter is a specialized solar filter designed to observe and image the Sun’s chromosphere, specifically the spectral line known as the “Calcium K” line. This filter is used in solar astronomy to reveal detailed features and activity occurring in the Sun’s chromosphere, which is the layer […]

Coat Pocket Astronomy

Coat Pocket Astronomy

Editors Note: In his Coat Pocket Astronomy article Rob Pettengil takes miniature astroimaging to the test with gear that literally fits in his pocket. Images 3 – 9 can be found at the end of the article. My affection for the miniature drove my interest in ultra-light astrophotography. I like […]

Astronomik Visual Filter Review

Astronomik Visual Filter Review

Editor’s Note: In his Astronomik visual filter review Matt Harmston does a deep dive into using Astronomik Filters for visual observing under light polluted skies. This article originally appeared in Astronomy Technology Today Issue 9, 2020. This article has been updated with new testing notes and can be found here. […]