Matthew Saville hosts the Astro-Landscapes website which offers nightscape, landscape, timelapse, and adventure travel photography content and tutorials. He has compiled the 2020 Astro-Landscapes Photo Calendar which offers images he has compiled to create a “panoramic landscape adventure photography calendar.” The 2020 calendar is 7×12″ in size. A limited run […]
Best DSLR Camera for Landscape Photography
What is the all-around best DSLR for landscape photography and astroimaging? Ask anyone with a DSLR camera who does both and you’ll get a different answer. However, we recently ran across one opinion that we felt was very persuasive. In his article, “Five Reasons Why Nikon Is Still The Champion […]
ISS Detector App Tracks the International Space Station
The ISS Detector App offers the ability to track the International Space Station (ISS) and a wide variety of satellites. YOu may not know but the International Space Station is visible with the naked eye. Of course you can’t just look up in the night sky and there it is. […]
McDonald Observatory Celebrates 80th Anniversary
The University of Texas at Austin’s McDonald Observatory is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year. As part of the celebration a new exhibit highlighting the observatory’s history will opened this summer at its Frank N. Bash Visitors Center. The McDonald Observatory is well known as being one of the most […]
Remembering Accomplished Amateur Astronomer Barbara Wilson
In a recent post on the Sky and Telescope website, Dave Tosteson provides a tribute to Barbara Wilson, who passed away on the evening of September 24, 2019, after battling cancer for several months. As Tosteson writes, “Barbara was very well known in the amateur astronomy community as a dedicated […]
iOptron GEM45 German Equatorial Mount
With the iOptron GEM45, the company applies innovative ideas to a time-tested design for iOptron’s next generation German equatorial mount. From its sleek CNC body to its state-of-the-art technological features, the iOptron GEM45 is a top-quality mount in both form and function. Utilizing experiences gained during development of its CEM […]
Dobsonian Telescope Components from ASTRO CNC
ASTRO CNC is a new maker of custom Dobsonian telescope components including altitude bearings, mirror boxes, secondary cages, and more that are precision cut using CNC milling. They work with various materials including plywood, wood, plastic, and aluminum. Their products are designed to be easily assembled by the end user, […]
2″ Crayford Focuser from ScopeStuff
Scopestuff’s new GSO 2″ Crayford Focuser can, in the words of Scopestuff’s Jim Henson, “transform your scope into a dream machine!” Cheaply built focusers can be the weakest link in your telescope drive train. Sticky grease, rough racks, shims and springs for crude adjustment, and bad feel can make for […]
Stellarvue Dark Sky Star Party to Be Held on July 16 – 19, 2020
Stellarvue’s Dark Sky Star Party (DSSP) is held annually in Likely, California during the new moon week. The next event will be held on July 16 – 19, 2020. In its 11th year, the star party is limited to 50 Stellarvue owners and provides the opportunity for attendees to camp […]
Apache-Sitgreaves Research Center Offers Observing Goggles with Light Pollution Filters
The Apache-Sitgreaves Research Center carries a special type of astronomical Observing Goggles which incorporate light pollution filters similar to the filters used in telescopes. These filters are especially effective in urban areas because they block most city light pollution in the sky. The goggles feature 2-inch filters and are great […]
StoneAgeTech Offers Custom Planet Dial for Astronomical Observing
StoneAgeTech is now offering a custom Planet Dial that functions much like a Sundial to help to show if a planet is observable in the night sky for the observer’s location. It also shows in which star constellation the planet can be found based on the length of a shadow […]
William Optics RedCat 51
From wildlife to the night sky, the William Optics RedCat 51 is a 51 mm refractor from William Optics that is the perfect companion for the traveling photographer and astronomer. Every time we look at a William Optics product, we marvel at the beauty of the engineering and the esthetic […]