The Antlia Solar Wedge offers a Herschel Wedge design which replaces the standard prism diagonal at the rear of refractor telescopes to enable imaging of solar granulation and sunspots. The Herschel Wedge design is well known to give sharper, higher-contrast images while transmitting a greatly reduced, safe amount of light […]
Author: Stuart Parkerson
Solar Eclipse Convection Clouds
A new video demonstrating solar eclipse convection clouds has been released by Gordon Telepun, the publisher of the Solar Eclipse Timer App and a new e-book titled “Eclipse Day – 2024 and More! How to enjoy, observe and photograph a total solar eclipse.” This video overlays a special colorized GOES […]
AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force
In 2014 the American Astronomical Society (AAS) created the AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force to help coordinate national preparations for the “Great American Eclipse” of August 21, 2017. The task force, meant to function as a think tank, coordinating body, and communication gateway/hub, was composed of professional and amateur astronomers, […]
Prepare for a Solar Eclipse
What you need to know to prepare for a solar eclipse will be the subject this week on the Sky-Watcher What’s Up? Webcast. As the Sky-Watcher team notes, “We are coming up on two back-to-back solar eclipses: October 2023 Annular Eclipse and April 2024 Total Eclipse. We take a look […]
Solar Eclipse Planning Workshop
A Solar Eclipse Planning Workshop is being hosted by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Friday-Saturday, October 21-22, 2022, at the Rochester Museum & Science Center (RMSC), 657 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14607. The workshop theme is “Preparing Your Community for the Coming Solar Eclipses.” The Solar Eclipse Planning Workshop will be […]
Stellarium 1.0
The team behind the Stellarium planetarium software has announced that Stellarium 1.0 is now available. As the Stellarium planetarium team notes, “What makes this 1.0? After more than 20 years of development the program is finally accurate enough for historical application. This is the first release based on the Qt6 […]
The publishers Astrospheric have announce a new model in Astrospheric’s cloud ensemble: The National Blend of Models (NBM). The NBM is a state-of-the-art blend of over 40 models from around the world, including the European model (ECMWF) and NOAAs High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR). The NBM updates every hour and […]
Baader SunDancer II H-alpha Filter
The Baader SunDancer II H-alpha Filter (with heated H-alpha Etalon from SolarSpectrum) transforms an existing telescope quickly and easily into a high performing H-alpha telescope. For telescopes up to 80mm aperture, you do not need any further accessories as the Baader SunDancer II H-alpha Filter already includes an achromatic 3x […]
Solar Observing Lab
Join Focus Astronomy, Astronomy Association of Arizona and Challenger Space Center of Arizona for the Solar Observing Lab on Saturday, October 22nd, 2022 for a special day of solar observing and eclipse prep. The event is open to all ages and all ticket sales go to support the Challenger Space Center. The Solar Observing Lab is a […]
Lunt Modular Solar Telescopes
The Lunt Modular Solar Telescopes series provides the ability to enjoy a full range of astronomical observing with only one telescope. Each model is designed to be easily configured between Hydrogen Alpha, White Light, Calcium K, astronomy and daytime terrestrial uses in minutes. The lineup includes the Lunt Solar LS60MT, […]
Pressure Tuning a Lunt Telescope
To a beginner or the beginning user pressure tuning a Lunt telescope may seem like a complicated process, but like anything – to master it you only need a little time and patience – and of course sunny skies!. In the video below, the Lunt team demonstrates how to perfectly […]
How to Choose a Telescope to View the Sun
If you don’t already own a telescope, viewing the Sun is a great reason to do so and the question is how to choose a telescope to view the Sun? Over the last few decades there has been an explosion of innovative products from the amateur telescope industry, which means […]