Author: Stuart Parkerson

Coronado SolarMax III Blocking Filter

Coronado SolarMax III Blocking Filter

The Coronado SolarMax III Blocking Filter is a right angle (diagonal) type Hydrogen-alpha blocking filter, now in the SolarMax III design. This updated design includes a long 2″ diameter nosepiece with 1.25″ eyepiece holder and t-thread connection. It is available in BF10, BF15 and BF30 models. The blocking filter is […]

Lunt Solar Eclipse Glasses

Lunt Solar Eclipse Glasses

Lunt Solar Eclipse Glasses feature premium solar filters that eliminate the harmful effect of ultraviolet, infrared, and intense visible light rays – creating a sharp, orange-colored image of the Sun. The full lineup of Lunt Solar Eclipse Glasses are completely safe for viewing the Sun and the upcoming “Ring of […]

ZWO ASI462MM Camera
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ZWO ASI462MM Camera

The ZWO ASI462MM Camera is the successor to the ZWO ASI290MM planetary camera and offers an excellent option for planetary, lunar and solar imaging. It utilizes the Sony IMX 462 sensor which includes STARVIS technology for better adaptation to low light conditions. The camera offers low readout noise, particularly at […]

Player One Uranus-C PRO Camera

Player One Uranus-C PRO Camera

The Player One Uranus-C PRO camera is a solar and planetary imaging camera which offers one of the first cooled cameras utilizing the Sony IMX585 1/1.2″ CMOS color sensor. The 2.9um pixel size accommodates a well depth of 38.8Ke with a total of 8.3MP (the resolution is 3856*2180), and the […]

Solar Eclipse Limited Train Ride

Solar Eclipse Limited Train Ride

The Northern Nevada Railway will host a special Solar Eclipse Limited Train Ride for the upcoming Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023. The ride has been featured in several national websites including Travel and Leisure in an article that offers full details about the train ride which will provide […]

DayStar Filters Eclipse Glasses

DayStar Filters Eclipse Glasses

DayStar Filters Eclipse Glasses are now available in advance of the upcoming Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023 and the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024. The DayStar Filters Eclipse Glasses are offered in 6 different print design options which include: – ECLIPSE ACROSS AMERICA: Features eclipse map […]

YES WorldWatch V7

YES WorldWatch V7

The New YES WorldWatch V7 collection is an astronomically focused wristwatch line which combines the daily, monthly and seasonal time cycles of the Sun and the Moon. As the YES WorldWatch notes, “At a glance the YES WorldWatch V7 give you times for sunrise, sunset, zenith, twilight and true midnight […]

ALCon 2023

ALCon 2023

The 2023 Astronomical League Convention – ALCon 2023 – will be held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana from July 26th to 29th. The event will be located at the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center. The Astronomical League has announced the theme for the conference will be “Astronomical Gumbo,” which represents the blend of […]