Explore Scientific ES 80 ED Triplet APO Review Explore Scientific is known for refracting telescopes, quality eyepieces, the David H. Levy Comet Hunter , a Maksutov-Newtonian telescope and Twilight I and II alt-azimuth mounts. I own a Twilight II mount and enjoy using it with various small refractors and […]
Author: Stuart Parkerson
Sharing the Cost of Remote Observatory Rental
Sharing the Cost of Remote Observatory Rental Remote imaging promises virtually hundreds of clear nights a year under dark skies and excellent seeing – conditions that allow very deep images. Most of us look into imaging at a remote site, take one look at the costs, and assume it cannot […]
Kendrick Imaging Power Panel Review
Kendrick Imaging Power Panel Review Kendrick Astro Instruments, out of Toronto, is a name that many avid amateur astronomers have known for years. I became familiar with them through their telescope dew-removal systems, several types of which I have owned over the years. Recently, they have developed several variations […]
A DYI Telescope Joystick Project
A DYI Telescope Joystick Project [Tinkering: To study or improve something through the trial-and-error process of taking it apart or building it from scratch. Just as the journey is often more enjoyable than the destination, the process of tinkering is often even more fun than the result achieved.] Whether professional […]
The 32-inch f/2.8 Equatorial Platforms Spicaeyes Dobsonian Truss Tube Telescope Offers an Ultra-Fast SlipStream Go-To Telescope with Lockwood Optics
By Tom Osypowski Tom Osypowski is the owner of Equatorial Platforms and the night sky has been his steady companion for over five decades, ever since, at the age of 12, the urge came to look up at the stars from his boyhood home in Milwaukee. Tom’s journey with building […]
Starlight Instrument’s Posi Drive Motor System for Telescope Focusers is a First-Class Winner
By John O’Neill John O’Neill is a retired advertising and marketing consultant living in Seminole, Florida and is a member of the St. Petersburg Astronomy Club. Over seventeen years ago, he started into the world of astro imaging, using film, then upgraded to CCD cameras with color filters. Visit his […]
The Vixen SX2 with Star Book TEN is a Solid Portable GoTo EQ Mount with a Planetarium-Style Controller
By James L. Chen James Chen is a retired Department of the Navy and Federal Aviation Administration Radar and Surveillance Systems Engineer. He is author of Springer books, entitled How to Find the Apollo Landings Sites a Guide to the Hubble Space Telescope Objects, The Vixen Star Book User Guide […]
Wood Wonders Offers Beautifully Hand-Crafted Astro Imaging Workstations
By Dave Snay David Snay is a retired software engineer living in central Massachusetts. He graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and has been an astronomer and astrophotographer for more than 15 years. David currently pursues fine art photography, specializing in traditional black/white images. He also is involved in solar outreach. […]
Using a Discovery Instruments Newtonian Telescope to Take Amazing Astro Images
By Dr. James R. Dire Dr. James Dire has an M.S. in physics from the University of Central Florida and a M.A. and Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University, both in planetary science and is an associate provost at Gardner-Webb University in Boiling Spring, N.C., and a professor of physics […]
Joshua Bury Observer Pro App is Designed for Advanced Astronomy Planning
Joshua Bury’s latest version of his iOS astronomy observation planning app, Observer Pro 2.1, is available in the Apple App Store. New updates to the app include: – The Featured list is now much more useful: your location, local horizon, and the current lunar phase are now used to provide […]
Astro Digital Offers Open Satellite-Imagery Resource
Although satellite imagery of Earth may seem an unlikely subject for a magazine devoted to astro tech, we thought you might appreciate notice of this new service, nonetheless. After all, Earth is a planet, too! Within just a few decades, planetary research progressed from Earth-based telescopes, to flyby and orbiting […]
Get Solar Ready Now for the August 21 American Solar Eclipse
By Gary Parkerson, Managing Editor Astronomy Technology Today If you live on the mainland U.S., and you are at all like me, you’re already counting the seconds until the August 21, 2017, total eclipse of the Sun … as in, there is literally a countdown timer in the corner of […]