
New AstroInfo Astronomy Web Application

New AstroInfo Astronomy Web Application

AstroInfo is a new astronomy web application which offers useful information and calculations that can help amateur astronomers in planning their astronomy/astrophotograpy sessions. It also has some additional features and interesting data provided by external web services such as NASA which is updated on a daily basis. The AstroInfo web […]

Digital Optica New Digital Occulting Device

Digital Optica New Digital Occulting Device

Digital Optica has just announced a new Digital Occulting Device aimed at accelerating the search for extra-solar planets. The company’s Digital Occulting Device, paired with its new proprietary control software, can give astronomers the ability to block out the glare of planet hosting stars allowing direct imaging of extra-solar planets. […]

ZWO ASIAIR Pro Camera Astroimaging Kit

ZWO ASIAIR Pro Camera Astroimaging Kit

Now available from ZWO dealers is the ZWO ASIAIR Mini Camera Kit for Astroimaging which offers the ZWO ASIAIR Pro Wi-Fi Camera Controller and ASI120MM providing the ability to turn your smartphone into an imaging powerhouse. The kit includes the ASI120MM Mini Camera, which offers a compact, powerful, high-quality monochrome […]

Stellarvue SVX140T Apo Telescope

Stellarvue SVX140T Apo Telescope

Stellarvue’s Newest SVX Refractor is the Stellarvue SVX140T, a 140mm f-6.7 apo triplet refractor. As noted by Stellarvue owner Vic Maris, “Using all of the techniques we have developed in making our SVX series telescopes, we have shortened the focal length and, since the objective is air spaced, this telescope […]