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The GSO 8-Inch Ritchey–Chrétien Telescope

I recently reviewed a Guan Sheng Optical (GSO) 8-inch classical Cassegrain telescope for Astronomy Technology Today. In this article, I review the GSO 8-inch GSO Ritchey–Chrétien.  The classical Cassegrain would be the better choice for visual use, while the Ritchey–Chrétien is the better instrument for astronomical imaging. American astronomer George […]

New Astro Image Processing Service

New Astro Image Processing Service

Astroimager Kfir Simon has started a new astro image processing service – Image Processing Services (IPS) – to help fellow astroimagers get the most out of their images. The astro image processingofferings include working directly with clients to process specific images, offering one-on-one tutorials on astroimaging techniques/software and series of […]

Dew Controllers

New Buckeyestargazer Shop Offers Simple and Practical Items for Amateur Astronomers

The Buckeyestargazer Shop offers the amateur astronomy community a new resource for “simple and practical” items. Joel Short, an astroimaging enthusiast located in Northern Indiana, has decided to open a small shop – the Buckeyestargazer Shop –  to make available items he has developed to offer affordable and uncomplicated accessories. […]

Astro-Physics Offers SLR Camera Adapters

Astro-Physics Offers SLR Camera Adapters

While Astro-Physics is well known for its incredibly built mounts and telescopes, the company also offers a number of accessories built with the same dedication to quality. This includes SLR Camera Adapters. Astro-Physics now offers several different camera adapters for use with a number of camera manufacturers in combination with […]

Meade LX200 Hand Controller Replacement

Meade LX200 Hand Controller Replacement

Clearline Technology uses modern materials, components, and processes to create replacement parts for the venerable Meade Instruments LX-200 telescope such as its new Meade LX200 Hand Controller. Among its current lineup are the Motor Encoder Board – LX200 Classic/LXD650/LXD750; Calibration Tool for LX200 Motor Encoder Board; and a Boot-Up Emulator […]