Author: Stuart Parkerson

Baader Planetarium’s New MaxBright II Binoviewer

Baader Planetarium’s New MaxBright II Binoviewer

Baader Planetarium’s new MaxBright II Binoviewer incorporates Baader’s vast experience acquired during thirty years of building astronomical binoviewers. The company builds its binoviewers to be utilized with a compliment of accessories to offer complete system solutions. The new MaxBright II was conceived as a more compact and lighter option to Baader’s flagship […]

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The GSO 8-Inch Ritchey–Chrétien Telescope

I recently reviewed a Guan Sheng Optical (GSO) 8-inch classical Cassegrain telescope for Astronomy Technology Today. In this article, I review the GSO 8-inch GSO Ritchey–Chrétien.  The classical Cassegrain would be the better choice for visual use, while the Ritchey–Chrétien is the better instrument for astronomical imaging. American astronomer George […]