
Sky-Watcher SolarQuest Mount

Sky-Watcher SolarQuest Mount

The Sky-Watcher SolarQuest mount offers a highly portable and easy to use mount for Solar observers and eclipse chasers. You no longer need to worry about aligning your equipment the night before or the early morning. The SolarQuest mount is designed to automatically align itself to the Sun with only […]

Player One Apollo Solar Cameras

Player One Apollo Solar Cameras

The new Player One Apollo Solar Cameras come in four configurations using different sensors for solar imaging. These include: – Apollo-M MAX: A monochrome camera with the Sony IMX432 1.1 inch sensor. This camera offers a 9um pixel size which accommodates a well depth of 100ke with a total of […]

Baader Triband Solar SCT
News Uncategorized

Baader Triband Solar SCT

The Baader Triband Solar SCT line of telescopes offers a Schmidt Cassegrain design using a Celestron SCT tube for both solar as well night-time astronomy use. The Baader Triband Solar SCT’s are available in apertures of 8″, 9.25″ and 11″ and feature a Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain optical tube assembly with […]

Buckeyestargazer Shop  ZWO EAF Brackets for Lunt Telescopes

Buckeyestargazer Shop ZWO EAF Brackets for Lunt Telescopes

Buckeyestargazer Shop is offering new ZWO EAF brackets for Baader Diamond Steeltrack, Stellarvue Access Telescopes and Lunt Telescopes focusers (solar imagers will especially appreciate this new accessory.) Joel Short, an astroimaging enthusiast located in Northern Indiana, opened the Buckeyestargazer Shop to make available items he has developed to offer affordable […]

QHY 5-III-715C Camera

QHY 5-III-715C Camera

The QHY 5-III-715C camera is an affordable solar, lunar and planetary camera and at the same time a perfect guiding module for extremely short focal lengths. It is an ultra high-resolution color camera with the very sensitive back-illuminated (BSI) Sony IMX715 color CMOS sensor with extremely low readout noise. Along […]