iOptron’s SkyHunter is an ultra-compact EQ/AZ GoTo mount and using the SkyHunter mount for solar imaging or viewing is a great way to get that perfect image or video of the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023 and the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024. Building on the […]
DYI Solar Filter Project Using Baader Planetarium AstroSolar Film
Baader Planetarium AstroSolar Film is a specialized solar filter material designed for safe solar observation. In his article – DYI Solar Filter Project Using Baader Planetarium AstroSolar Film – Gary Parkerson, Executive Editor Emeritus Astronomy Technology Today, explains how he uses the film to create filters for white solar observing. […]
DayStar FlatCap Flat Field Correction
The DayStar FlatCap is a Gaussian diffuser that is temporarily installed over the front of your telescope when taking flat field reference images. By strongly blurring the Sun, the only details you will see in the reference image are from defects in your imaging train that can be removed in […]
Sun-Geometer Sun Finder for Telescopes
The Sun-Geometer Sun Finder for Telescopes is a unique, purpose-built accessory to mount on your telescope to help view the Sun. It is designed to be esthetically pleasing as well as functional. The Sun-Geometer Sun Finder for Telescopes was created by Bob Schalck, an optical research engineer who, for over […]
Astro Hutech Hinode for Solar Imaging
The Astro Hutech Solar Tracker, Hinode (”sunrize” in Japanese) SG, is an autoguider designed for casual solar viewing as well as photography. The Hinode Solar Guider with a dovetail bar and paddle does not require precise polar alignment, allowing for quick, convenient setup-and-go for public outreach or quick viewing with […]
Lunt SUNoculers
By Gary Parkerson, Astronomy Technology Today Editor Emeritus. I demonstrate astro tech wherever people are gathered outdoors and when it comes to leveraging solar astronomy for outreach, no astro tech delivers enhanced hands-on solar-viewing experiences more naturally than Lunt Solar System’s SUNoculers. I’ve handed them to kids as young as […]
CaK-to-Visible Color-Conversion Eyepiece
A CaK telescope is designed for observing the Sun in the Calcium K wavelength of light. The Calcium K line is a specific spectral line in the solar spectrum produced by ionized calcium (Ca II) atoms in the Sun’s chromosphere. It is located at approximately 393.4 nanometers (nm) in the […]
Lunt Calcium K Filter
The Lunt Calcium K filter is a specialized solar filter designed to observe and image the Sun’s chromosphere, specifically the spectral line known as the “Calcium K” line. This filter is used in solar astronomy to reveal detailed features and activity occurring in the Sun’s chromosphere, which is the layer […]
DayStar Filters SR-127 QT H-Alpha Solar Telescope
The DayStar Filters H-Alpha SR-127 QT solar telescope is the company’s flagship dedicated Hydrogen Alpha solar telescope. Updated in 2020, the carbon fiber telescope offers a lightweight, short tube with retractable dew shield. The compact design is only 29 inches long and weighs just 13lbs including mounting rings and dovetail. […]
Buckeyestargazer Shop ZWO EAF Brackets for Lunt Telescopes
Buckeyestargazer Shop is offering new ZWO EAF brackets for Baader Diamond Steeltrack, Stellarvue Access Telescopes and Lunt Telescopes focusers (solar imagers will especially appreciate this new accessory.) Joel Short, an astroimaging enthusiast located in Northern Indiana, opened the Buckeyestargazer Shop to make available items he has developed to offer affordable […]
Smart Solar Filter for Unistellar Telescopes
Unistellar offers a Smart Solar Filter for Unistellar Telescopes that offers an opportunity to add functionality to the EVSCOPE and EQUINOX models. The filter makes it possible to access a solar experience feature on the Unistellar App which includes smart GoTo Sun capability. All that is needed is to connect […]
QHY 5-III-715C Camera
The QHY 5-III-715C camera is an affordable solar, lunar and planetary camera and at the same time a perfect guiding module for extremely short focal lengths. It is an ultra high-resolution color camera with the very sensitive back-illuminated (BSI) Sony IMX715 color CMOS sensor with extremely low readout noise. Along […]